#2467 合入数字看板相关需求及问题 #2348 #2445

lewis merged 12 commits from zouap into V20220718 1 year ago
  1. +36
  2. +437
  3. +17
  4. +14
  5. +1
  6. +1
  7. +1
  8. +119
  9. +5

+ 36
- 0
models/repo_activity_custom.go View File

@@ -211,6 +211,42 @@ func setKeyContributerDict(contributorDistinctDict map[string]int, email string,
} }
} }

func GetAllUserPublicRepoKPIStats(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) (map[string]*git.UserKPIStats, error) {
authors := make(map[string]*git.UserKPIStats)
repositorys, err := GetAllRepositoriesByFilterCols("owner_name", "name", "is_private")
if err != nil {
return nil, err

for _, repository := range repositorys {
if repository.IsPrivate {
authorsOneRepo, err1 := git.GetUserKPIStats(repository.RepoPath(), startTime, endTime)
if err1 != nil {
log.Warn("get user kpi status err:"+repository.RepoPath(), err1.Error())

for key, value := range authorsOneRepo {
if _, ok := authors[key]; !ok {
authors[key] = &git.UserKPIStats{

Name: value.Name,
Email: value.Email,
Commits: 0,
CommitLines: 0,
authors[key].Commits += value.Commits
authors[key].CommitLines += value.CommitLines


return authors, nil

func GetAllUserKPIStats(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) (map[string]*git.UserKPIStats, error) { func GetAllUserKPIStats(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) (map[string]*git.UserKPIStats, error) {
authors := make(map[string]*git.UserKPIStats) authors := make(map[string]*git.UserKPIStats)
repositorys, err := GetAllRepositoriesByFilterCols("owner_name", "name") repositorys, err := GetAllRepositoriesByFilterCols("owner_name", "name")

+ 437
- 0
models/user_analysis_for_activity.go View File

@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
package models

import (


type UserBusinessAnalysisForActivity struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"pk"`
CountDate int64 `xorm:"pk"`
//action :ActionMergePullRequest // 11
CodeMergeCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
//action :ActionCommitRepo
CommitCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
//issue // 10
IssueCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
//comment table current date
CommentCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

//follow table
WatchedCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

CommitCodeSize int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
//issue, issueassigees
SolveIssueCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RegistDate timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"NOT NULL"`

Email string `xorm:"NOT NULL"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
Name string `xorm:"NOT NULL"`
DataDate string `xorm:"NULL"`

CloudBrainTaskNum int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CommitDatasetNum int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CommitModelCount int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

func QueryDataForActivity(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) []*UserBusinessAnalysisForActivity {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()

result := make([]*UserBusinessAnalysisForActivity, 0)
publicRepo := queryPublicRepo()
start_unix := startTime.Unix()
end_unix := endTime.Unix()

CodeMergeCountMap := queryPullRequestPublic(start_unix, end_unix, publicRepo)
CommitCodeSizeMap, err := GetAllUserPublicRepoKPIStats(startTime, endTime)
if err != nil {
log.Info("error,info=" + err.Error())
CommitCountMap := queryCommitActionPublic(start_unix, end_unix, 5, publicRepo)
IssueCountMap, publicRepoIssueIdMap := queryCreateIssuePublic(start_unix, end_unix, publicRepo)
SolveIssueCountMap := querySolveIssuePublic(start_unix, end_unix, publicRepoIssueIdMap)
WatchedCountMap, _ := queryFollow(start_unix, end_unix)
CommentCountMap := queryCommentPublic(start_unix, end_unix, publicRepoIssueIdMap)
PublicDataSet := queryAllPublicDataSet(publicRepo)
DatasetFileNums := queryPublicDatasetFileNums(start_unix, end_unix, PublicDataSet)
AiModelManageMap := queryUserModelPublic(start_unix, end_unix, publicRepo)

cond := "type != 1 and is_active=true"
count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(User))

var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("`user`.*").Table("user").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
userList := make([]*User, 0)

for i, userRecord := range userList {
var dateRecord UserBusinessAnalysisForActivity
dateRecord.ID = userRecord.ID
log.Info("i=" + fmt.Sprint(i) + " userName=" + userRecord.Name)
dateRecord.Email = userRecord.Email
dateRecord.Phone = userRecord.PhoneNumber
dateRecord.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix
dateRecord.Name = userRecord.Name

dateRecord.CodeMergeCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, CodeMergeCountMap)
dateRecord.CommitCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, CommitCountMap)
dateRecord.WatchedCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, WatchedCountMap)
dateRecord.CommitDatasetNum = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, DatasetFileNums)
dateRecord.IssueCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, IssueCountMap)
dateRecord.CommentCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, CommentCountMap)
if _, ok := CommitCodeSizeMap[dateRecord.Email]; !ok {
dateRecord.CommitCodeSize = 0
} else {
dateRecord.CommitCodeSize = int(CommitCodeSizeMap[dateRecord.Email].CommitLines)
dateRecord.SolveIssueCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, SolveIssueCountMap)

dateRecord.CommitModelCount = getMapValue(dateRecord.ID, AiModelManageMap)

result = append(result, &dateRecord)
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {

return result
func querySolveIssuePublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicRepoIssueIdMap map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)
cond := "issue.is_closed=true and issue.closed_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and issue.closed_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)

count, err := sess.Table("issue_assignees").Join("inner", "issue", "issue.id=issue_assignees.issue_id").Where(cond).Count(new(IssueAssignees))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query issue error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
issueAssigneesList := make([]*IssueAssignees, 0)
Join("inner", "issue", "issue.id=issue_assignees.issue_id").
Where(cond).OrderBy("issue_assignees.id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))


log.Info("query IssueAssignees size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(issueAssigneesList)))
for _, issueAssigneesRecord := range issueAssigneesList {
if isPublicRepo(issueAssigneesRecord.IssueID, publicRepoIssueIdMap) {
if _, ok := resultMap[issueAssigneesRecord.AssigneeID]; !ok {
resultMap[issueAssigneesRecord.AssigneeID] = 1
} else {
resultMap[issueAssigneesRecord.AssigneeID] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {

return resultMap

func queryPublicRepo() map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)

count, err := sess.Table("repository").Count(new(Repository))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query Repository error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
repositoryList := make([]*Repository, 0)
sess.Select("*").Table("repository").OrderBy("id desc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
log.Info("query repo size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(repositoryList)))
for _, repositoryRecord := range repositoryList {
if repositoryRecord.IsPrivate {
if _, ok := resultMap[repositoryRecord.ID]; !ok {
resultMap[repositoryRecord.ID] = 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {

return resultMap

func isPublicRepo(repoId int64, publicAllRepo map[int64]int) bool {
if _, ok := publicAllRepo[repoId]; !ok {
return false
return true

func queryPullRequestPublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicAllRepo map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)
cond := "pull_request.merged_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and pull_request.merged_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)
count, err := sess.Table("issue").Join("inner", "pull_request", "issue.id=pull_request.issue_id").Where(cond).Count(new(Issue))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query issue error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
issueList := make([]*Issue, 0)
sess.Select("issue.*").Table("issue").Join("inner", "pull_request", "issue.id=pull_request.issue_id").Where(cond).OrderBy("issue.id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
log.Info("query issue(PR) size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(issueList)))
for _, issueRecord := range issueList {
if isPublicRepo(issueRecord.RepoID, publicAllRepo) {
if _, ok := resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID]; !ok {
resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID] = 1
} else {
resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return resultMap

func queryCommitActionPublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, actionType int64, publicAllRepo map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)

cond := "user_id=act_user_id and op_type=" + fmt.Sprint(actionType) + " and created_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and created_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)

count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(Action))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query action error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,user_id,op_type,act_user_id,repo_id").Table("action").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
actionList := make([]*Action, 0)

log.Info("query action size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(actionList)))
for _, actionRecord := range actionList {
if isPublicRepo(actionRecord.RepoID, publicAllRepo) {
if _, ok := resultMap[actionRecord.UserID]; !ok {
resultMap[actionRecord.UserID] = 1
} else {
resultMap[actionRecord.UserID] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {

return resultMap

func queryCreateIssuePublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicAllRepo map[int64]int) (map[int64]int, map[int64]int) {

sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)
publicRepoIssueIdMap := make(map[int64]int)
cond := "is_pull=false and created_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and created_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)

count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(Issue))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query Issue error. return.")
return resultMap, publicRepoIssueIdMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,poster_id,repo_id").Table("issue").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
issueList := make([]*Issue, 0)
log.Info("query issue size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(issueList)))
for _, issueRecord := range issueList {
if isPublicRepo(issueRecord.RepoID, publicAllRepo) {
if _, ok := resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID]; !ok {
resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID] = 1
} else {
resultMap[issueRecord.PosterID] += 1
publicRepoIssueIdMap[issueRecord.ID] = 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return resultMap, publicRepoIssueIdMap


func queryCommentPublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicRepoIssueIdMap map[int64]int) map[int64]int {

sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
cond := "created_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and created_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)
count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(Comment))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query Comment error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,type,poster_id").Table("comment").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
commentList := make([]*Comment, 0)
log.Info("query Comment size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(commentList)))
for _, commentRecord := range commentList {
if isPublicRepo(commentRecord.IssueID, publicRepoIssueIdMap) {
if _, ok := resultMap[commentRecord.PosterID]; !ok {
resultMap[commentRecord.PosterID] = 1
} else {
resultMap[commentRecord.PosterID] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return resultMap

func queryAllPublicDataSet(publicAllRepo map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
publicDataSetIdMap := make(map[int64]int)
count, err := sess.Count(new(Dataset))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query dataset error. return.")
return publicDataSetIdMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,user_id,repo_id").Table(new(Dataset)).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
datasetList := make([]*Dataset, 0)
log.Info("query datasetList size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(datasetList)))
for _, datasetRecord := range datasetList {
if isPublicRepo(datasetRecord.RepoID, publicAllRepo) {
publicDataSetIdMap[datasetRecord.ID] = 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return publicDataSetIdMap

func queryPublicDatasetFileNums(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicDataSetIdMap map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultNumMap := make(map[int64]int)
cond := " created_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and created_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)

count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(Attachment))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query attachment error. return.")
return resultNumMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,uploader_id,size,dataset_id").Table("attachment").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
attachmentList := make([]*Attachment, 0)

log.Info("query Attachment size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(attachmentList)))
for _, attachRecord := range attachmentList {
if isPublicRepo(attachRecord.DatasetID, publicDataSetIdMap) {
if _, ok := resultNumMap[attachRecord.UploaderID]; !ok {
resultNumMap[attachRecord.UploaderID] = 1
} else {
resultNumMap[attachRecord.UploaderID] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return resultNumMap

func queryUserModelPublic(start_unix int64, end_unix int64, publicAllRepo map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
sess := x.NewSession()
defer sess.Close()
resultMap := make(map[int64]int)
cond := " created_unix>=" + fmt.Sprint(start_unix) + " and created_unix<=" + fmt.Sprint(end_unix)
count, err := sess.Where(cond).Count(new(AiModelManage))
if err != nil {
log.Info("query AiModelManage error. return.")
return resultMap
var indexTotal int64
indexTotal = 0
for {
sess.Select("id,user_id,repo_id").Table("ai_model_manage").Where(cond).OrderBy("id asc").Limit(PAGE_SIZE, int(indexTotal))
aiModelList := make([]*AiModelManage, 0)
log.Info("query AiModelManage size=" + fmt.Sprint(len(aiModelList)))
for _, aiModelRecord := range aiModelList {
if isPublicRepo(aiModelRecord.RepoId, publicAllRepo) {
if _, ok := resultMap[aiModelRecord.UserId]; !ok {
resultMap[aiModelRecord.UserId] = 1
} else {
resultMap[aiModelRecord.UserId] += 1
indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
if indexTotal >= count {
return resultMap

+ 17
- 8
models/user_business_analysis.go View File

@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisAll struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysis struct { type UserBusinessAnalysis struct {
@@ -192,6 +194,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysis struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisQueryOptions struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisQueryOptions struct {
@@ -475,6 +479,7 @@ func QueryUserStaticDataForUserDefine(opts *UserBusinessAnalysisQueryOptions, wi
dateRecord.CountDate = CountDate.Unix() dateRecord.CountDate = CountDate.Unix()
dateRecord.DataDate = DataDate dateRecord.DataDate = DataDate
dateRecord.Email = userRecord.Email dateRecord.Email = userRecord.Email
dateRecord.Phone = userRecord.PhoneNumber
dateRecord.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix dateRecord.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix
dateRecord.Name = userRecord.Name dateRecord.Name = userRecord.Name
dateRecord.UserLocation = userRecord.Location dateRecord.UserLocation = userRecord.Location
@@ -728,6 +733,7 @@ func refreshUserStaticTable(wikiCountMap map[string]int, tableName string, pageS
var dateRecordAll UserBusinessAnalysisAll var dateRecordAll UserBusinessAnalysisAll
dateRecordAll.ID = userRecord.ID dateRecordAll.ID = userRecord.ID
dateRecordAll.Email = userRecord.Email dateRecordAll.Email = userRecord.Email
dateRecordAll.Phone = userRecord.PhoneNumber
dateRecordAll.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix dateRecordAll.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix
dateRecordAll.Name = userRecord.Name dateRecordAll.Name = userRecord.Name
dateRecordAll.GiteaAgeMonth = subMonth(currentTimeNow, userRecord.CreatedUnix.AsTime()) dateRecordAll.GiteaAgeMonth = subMonth(currentTimeNow, userRecord.CreatedUnix.AsTime())
@@ -839,7 +845,7 @@ func insertTable(dateRecords []UserBusinessAnalysisAll, tableName string, static

insertBatchSql := "INSERT INTO public." + tableName + insertBatchSql := "INSERT INTO public." + tableName +
"(id, count_date, code_merge_count, commit_count, issue_count, comment_count, focus_repo_count, star_repo_count, watched_count, gitea_age_month, commit_code_size, commit_dataset_size, " + "(id, count_date, code_merge_count, commit_count, issue_count, comment_count, focus_repo_count, star_repo_count, watched_count, gitea_age_month, commit_code_size, commit_dataset_size, " +
"commit_model_count, solve_issue_count, encyclopedias_count, regist_date, create_repo_count, login_count, open_i_index, email, name, data_date,cloud_brain_task_num,gpu_debug_job,npu_debug_job,gpu_train_job,npu_train_job,npu_inference_job,gpu_bench_mark_job,cloud_brain_run_time,commit_dataset_num,user_index,user_location,focus_other_user,collect_dataset,collected_dataset,recommend_dataset,collect_image,collected_image,recommend_image,user_index_primitive) " +
"commit_model_count, solve_issue_count, encyclopedias_count, regist_date, create_repo_count, login_count, open_i_index, email, name, data_date,cloud_brain_task_num,gpu_debug_job,npu_debug_job,gpu_train_job,npu_train_job,npu_inference_job,gpu_bench_mark_job,cloud_brain_run_time,commit_dataset_num,user_index,user_location,focus_other_user,collect_dataset,collected_dataset,recommend_dataset,collect_image,collected_image,recommend_image,user_index_primitive,phone) " +

for i, record := range dateRecords { for i, record := range dateRecords {
@@ -848,7 +854,7 @@ func insertTable(dateRecords []UserBusinessAnalysisAll, tableName string, static
", " + fmt.Sprint(record.WatchedCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.GiteaAgeMonth) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitCodeSize) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitDatasetSize) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.WatchedCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.GiteaAgeMonth) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitCodeSize) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitDatasetSize) +
", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitModelCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.SolveIssueCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.EncyclopediasCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.RegistDate) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitModelCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.SolveIssueCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.EncyclopediasCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.RegistDate) +
", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CreateRepoCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.LoginCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.OpenIIndex) + ", '" + record.Email + "', '" + record.Name + "', '" + record.DataDate + "'," + fmt.Sprint(record.CloudBrainTaskNum) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuDebugJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuDebugJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuTrainJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuTrainJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuInferenceJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuBenchMarkJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CloudBrainRunTime) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitDatasetNum) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.UserIndex) + ",'" + record.UserLocation + "'," + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.CreateRepoCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.LoginCount) + ", " + fmt.Sprint(record.OpenIIndex) + ", '" + record.Email + "', '" + record.Name + "', '" + record.DataDate + "'," + fmt.Sprint(record.CloudBrainTaskNum) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuDebugJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuDebugJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuTrainJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuTrainJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.NpuInferenceJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.GpuBenchMarkJob) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CloudBrainRunTime) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CommitDatasetNum) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.UserIndex) + ",'" + record.UserLocation + "'," +
fmt.Sprint(record.FocusOtherUser) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectedDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.RecommendDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectedImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.RecommendImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.UserIndexPrimitive) + ")"
fmt.Sprint(record.FocusOtherUser) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectedDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.RecommendDataset) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.CollectedImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.RecommendImage) + "," + fmt.Sprint(record.UserIndexPrimitive) + ",'" + record.Phone + "')"
if i < (len(dateRecords) - 1) { if i < (len(dateRecords) - 1) {
insertBatchSql += "," insertBatchSql += ","
} }
@@ -973,6 +979,7 @@ func CounDataByDateAndReCount(wikiCountMap map[string]int, startTime time.Time,
dateRecord.CountDate = CountDate.Unix() dateRecord.CountDate = CountDate.Unix()

dateRecord.Email = userRecord.Email dateRecord.Email = userRecord.Email
dateRecord.Phone = userRecord.PhoneNumber
dateRecord.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix dateRecord.RegistDate = userRecord.CreatedUnix
dateRecord.Name = userRecord.Name dateRecord.Name = userRecord.Name
dateRecord.GiteaAgeMonth = subMonth(currentTimeNow, userRecord.CreatedUnix.AsTime()) dateRecord.GiteaAgeMonth = subMonth(currentTimeNow, userRecord.CreatedUnix.AsTime())
@@ -1028,12 +1035,12 @@ func CounDataByDateAndReCount(wikiCountMap map[string]int, startTime time.Time,
setUserMetrics(userMetrics, userRecord, start_unix, end_unix, dateRecord) setUserMetrics(userMetrics, userRecord, start_unix, end_unix, dateRecord)
if getUserActivate(dateRecord) > 0 { if getUserActivate(dateRecord) > 0 {
log.Info("has activity." + userRecord.Name) log.Info("has activity." + userRecord.Name)
addUserToMap(userNewAddActivity, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID)
addUserToMap(userNewAddActivity, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID, currentTimeNow)
} }
if userRecord.IsActive { if userRecord.IsActive {
addUserToMap(userAcitvateJsonMap, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID)
addUserToMap(userAcitvateJsonMap, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID, currentTimeNow)
} }
addUserToMap(userCurrentDayRegistMap, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID)
addUserToMap(userCurrentDayRegistMap, userRecord.CreatedUnix, dateRecord.ID, currentTimeNow)
} }

indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE indexTotal += PAGE_SIZE
@@ -1056,7 +1063,7 @@ func CounDataByDateAndReCount(wikiCountMap map[string]int, startTime time.Time,
useMetrics.NotActivateRegistUser = getMapKeyStringValue("NotActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) useMetrics.NotActivateRegistUser = getMapKeyStringValue("NotActivateRegistUser", userMetrics)
useMetrics.TotalActivateRegistUser = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) useMetrics.TotalActivateRegistUser = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalActivateRegistUser", userMetrics)
useMetrics.TotalHasActivityUser = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalHasActivityUser", userMetrics) useMetrics.TotalHasActivityUser = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalHasActivityUser", userMetrics)
useMetrics.CurrentDayRegistUser = getMapKeyStringValue("CurrentDayRegistUser", userMetrics)
count, err = sess.Where("type=0").Count(new(User)) count, err = sess.Where("type=0").Count(new(User))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
log.Info("query user error. return.") log.Info("query user error. return.")
@@ -1124,8 +1131,9 @@ func setUniqueUserId(jsonString string, value map[int64]int64) (string, int) {
return userIdArray, len(value) return userIdArray, len(value)
} }

func addUserToMap(currentUserActivity map[int64]map[int64]int64, registDate timeutil.TimeStamp, userId int64) {
CountDateTime := time.Date(registDate.Year(), registDate.AsTime().Month(), registDate.AsTime().Day(), 0, 1, 0, 0, registDate.AsTime().Location())
func addUserToMap(currentUserActivity map[int64]map[int64]int64, registDate timeutil.TimeStamp, userId int64, currentTimeNow time.Time) {
registTime := registDate.AsTimeInLocation(currentTimeNow.Location())
CountDateTime := time.Date(registTime.Year(), registTime.Month(), registTime.Day(), 0, 1, 0, 0, currentTimeNow.Location())
CountDate := CountDateTime.Unix() CountDate := CountDateTime.Unix()
if _, ok := currentUserActivity[CountDate]; !ok { if _, ok := currentUserActivity[CountDate]; !ok {
userIdMap := make(map[int64]int64, 0) userIdMap := make(map[int64]int64, 0)
@@ -1149,6 +1157,7 @@ func setUserMetrics(userMetrics map[string]int, user *User, start_time int64, en
} else { } else {
userMetrics["NotActivateRegistUser"] = getMapKeyStringValue("NotActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) + 1 userMetrics["NotActivateRegistUser"] = getMapKeyStringValue("NotActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) + 1
} }
userMetrics["CurrentDayRegistUser"] = getMapKeyStringValue("CurrentDayRegistUser", userMetrics) + 1
} }
if user.IsActive { if user.IsActive {
userMetrics["TotalActivateRegistUser"] = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) + 1 userMetrics["TotalActivateRegistUser"] = getMapKeyStringValue("TotalActivateRegistUser", userMetrics) + 1

+ 14
- 0
models/user_business_struct.go View File

@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentYear struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisLast30Day struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisLast30Day struct {
@@ -130,6 +132,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisLast30Day struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisLastMonth struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisLastMonth struct {
@@ -195,6 +199,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisLastMonth struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentMonth struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentMonth struct {
@@ -260,6 +266,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentMonth struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentWeek struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentWeek struct {
@@ -326,6 +334,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisCurrentWeek struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisYesterday struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisYesterday struct {
@@ -392,6 +402,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisYesterday struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserBusinessAnalysisLastWeek struct { type UserBusinessAnalysisLastWeek struct {
@@ -458,6 +470,8 @@ type UserBusinessAnalysisLastWeek struct {
CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` CollectedImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`
RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"` RecommendImage int `xorm:"NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"`

Phone string `xorm:"NULL"`
} }

type UserAnalysisPara struct { type UserAnalysisPara struct {

+ 1
- 0
options/locale/locale_en-US.ini View File

@@ -559,6 +559,7 @@ static.CollectImage=Collect Image Count
static.CollectedImage=Collected Image Count static.CollectedImage=Collected Image Count
static.RecommendImage=Recommended Image Count static.RecommendImage=Recommended Image Count
static.email=Email static.email=Email
static.location=Location static.location=Location
static.all=All static.all=All
static.public.user_business_analysis_current_month=Current_Month static.public.user_business_analysis_current_month=Current_Month

+ 1
- 0
options/locale/locale_zh-CN.ini View File

@@ -564,6 +564,7 @@ static.CollectImage=收藏镜像数
static.CollectedImage=被收藏镜像数 static.CollectedImage=被收藏镜像数
static.RecommendImage=被推荐镜像数 static.RecommendImage=被推荐镜像数
static.email=Email static.email=Email
static.location=所在地区 static.location=所在地区
static.all=所有 static.all=所有
static.public.user_business_analysis_current_month=本月 static.public.user_business_analysis_current_month=本月

+ 1
- 0
routers/api/v1/api.go View File

@@ -570,6 +570,7 @@ func RegisterRoutes(m *macaron.Macaron) {
m.Get("/query_user_last_month", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticLastMonth) m.Get("/query_user_last_month", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticLastMonth)
m.Get("/query_user_yesterday", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticYesterday) m.Get("/query_user_yesterday", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticYesterday)
m.Get("/query_user_all", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticAll) m.Get("/query_user_all", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserStaticAll)
m.Get("/query_user_activity", operationReq, repo_ext.QueryUserActivity)
//cloudbrain board //cloudbrain board
m.Group("/cloudbrainboard", func() { m.Group("/cloudbrainboard", func() {
m.Get("/downloadAll", repo.DownloadCloudBrainBoard) m.Get("/downloadAll", repo.DownloadCloudBrainBoard)

+ 119
- 1
routers/repo/user_data_analysis.go View File

@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ func getExcelHeader(ctx *context.Context) map[string]string {
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.RecommendImage")) excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.RecommendImage"))

excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.email")) excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.email"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.phone"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.location")) excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.location"))

excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.registdate")) excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.registdate"))
@@ -193,6 +194,9 @@ func writeExcel(row int, xlsx *excelize.File, sheetName string, userRecord *mode
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Email) xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Email)
tmp = tmp + 1 tmp = tmp + 1

xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Phone)
tmp = tmp + 1

xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.UserLocation) xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.UserLocation)
tmp = tmp + 1 tmp = tmp + 1

@@ -268,6 +272,9 @@ func writeExcelPage(row int, xlsx *excelize.File, sheetName string, userRecord *
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Email) xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Email)
tmp = tmp + 1 tmp = tmp + 1

xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Phone)
tmp = tmp + 1

xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.UserLocation) xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.UserLocation)
tmp = tmp + 1 tmp = tmp + 1

@@ -601,7 +608,7 @@ func QueryUserStaticDataPage(ctx *context.Context) {
filename := sheetName + "_" + startDate + "_" + endDate + ".xlsx" filename := sheetName + "_" + startDate + "_" + endDate + ".xlsx"
os.Remove(setting.AppDataPath + Excel_File_Path + filename) os.Remove(setting.AppDataPath + Excel_File_Path + filename)
go writeFileToDisk(ctx, count, re, filename) go writeFileToDisk(ctx, count, re, filename)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, ctx.Tr("user.static.downloadinfo")+setting.AppURL+"api/v1/download_user_define_file?filename="+filename)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, ctx.Tr("user.static.downloadinfo")+"/api/v1/download_user_define_file?filename="+filename)
} else { } else {
mapInterface := make(map[string]interface{}) mapInterface := make(map[string]interface{})
re, count := models.QueryUserStaticDataPage(pageOpts) re, count := models.QueryUserStaticDataPage(pageOpts)
@@ -721,3 +728,114 @@ func TimingCountData() {
startTime := currentTimeNow.AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02") startTime := currentTimeNow.AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02")
TimingCountDataByDateAndReCount(startTime, false) TimingCountDataByDateAndReCount(startTime, false)
} }

func QueryUserActivity(ctx *context.Context) {
startDate := ctx.Query("beginTime")
endDate := ctx.Query("endTime")

t, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", startDate)
startTime := time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location())
startTime = startTime.UTC()

t, _ = time.Parse("2006-01-02", endDate)
endTime := time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, t.Location())
endTime = endTime.UTC()

sheetName := ctx.Tr("user.static.sheetname")
filename := sheetName + "_" + startDate + "_" + endDate + ".xlsx"
filePath := setting.AppDataPath + Excel_File_Path + filename
os.Remove(setting.AppDataPath + Excel_File_Path + filename)

go writeUserActivityToExcel(startTime, endTime, filePath, ctx)

ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, ctx.Tr("user.static.downloadinfo")+"/api/v1/download_user_define_file?filename="+filename)


func writeUserActivityToExcel(startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time, filePath string, ctx *context.Context) {
re := models.QueryDataForActivity(startTime, endTime)
log.Info("return count=" + fmt.Sprint(len(re)))
//writer exec file.
xlsx := excelize.NewFile()
sheetName := ctx.Tr("user.static.sheetname")
index := xlsx.NewSheet(sheetName)

excelHeader := make([]string, 0)
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.id"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.name"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.codemergecount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.commitcount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.issuecount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.commentcount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.watchedcount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.commitcodesize"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.solveissuecount"))

excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.CommitDatasetNum"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.CommitModelCount"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.email"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.phone"))
excelHeader = append(excelHeader, ctx.Tr("user.static.registdate"))

excelHeaderMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
var j byte
j = 0
for _, value := range excelHeader {
excelColumn := getColumn(j) + fmt.Sprint(1)
log.Info("excelColumn=" + excelColumn)
excelHeaderMap[excelColumn] = value

for k, v := range excelHeaderMap {
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, k, v)

for i, userRecord := range re {
row := i + 2
rows := fmt.Sprint(row)
var tmp byte
tmp = 0
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.ID)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Name)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CodeMergeCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CommitCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.IssueCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CommentCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.WatchedCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CommitCodeSize)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.SolveIssueCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CommitDatasetNum)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.CommitModelCount)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Email)
tmp = tmp + 1
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, userRecord.Phone)
tmp = tmp + 1
formatTime := userRecord.RegistDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
xlsx.SetCellValue(sheetName, getColumn(tmp)+rows, formatTime[0:len(formatTime)-3])
tmp = tmp + 1


os.Mkdir(setting.AppDataPath+Excel_File_Path, 0755)
if err := xlsx.SaveAs(filePath); err != nil {
log.Info("writer exel error." + err.Error())
} else {
log.Info("write to file succeed, filepath=" + filePath)

+ 5
- 2
web_src/js/components/UserAnalysis.vue View File

@@ -226,8 +226,11 @@
width="120px" width="120px"
align="center"> align="center">
</el-table-column> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="BindPhone" label="是否手机验证" width="120px" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope"> {{scope.row.BindPhone ? '是' : '否'}} </template>
</el-table-column> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column <el-table-column
prop="RegistDate" prop="RegistDate"
