#197 fix issue-182

zhoupzh wants to merge 1 commits from fix-182 into V202108
openihu commented 2 years ago
建议去掉else部分,直接{if}{end}这样简洁一点; ``` {{if .Repository.Website}} <p class="ui"> <i class="gray linkify icon"></i> <a class="link" target="_blank" href="{{.Repository.Website}}">{{.Repository.Website}}</a> </p> {{else}} <p class="ui" style="display: none;"></p> {{end}} ``` 中的 ``` {{else}} …… {{end}} ```
zhoupzh was assigned by openihu 2 years ago
zhoupzh closed this pull request 2 years ago
This pull request cannot be reopened because the branch was deleted.
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