#23 WIP: added two folder containing chapter 6 and 7

AlbertDarren merged 1 commits from dev into master 1 year ago
  1. +164
  2. +143

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chapter6_iteration_solve_linear_system_of_equations/iteration_methods.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Time : 2020/12/16 10:33
@Author : Albert Darren
@Contact : 2563491540@qq.com
@File : iteration_methods.py
@Version : Version 1.0.0
@Description : TODO 自己实现雅各比迭代法,高斯-赛德尔迭代法,SOR迭代法,谱半径函数,希尔伯特矩阵函数
@Created By : PyCharm

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigvals, inv

import \
AI.NumericalAnalysis.chapter5_directive_solve_linear_system_of_equations.DirectiveSolveLinearSystemEquations as dsl

def vector_norm(vector: np.ndarray, p=None):
:param vector: 实向量或者复向量
:param p: 指定类型的范数,默认是oo范数
:return: 指定向量范数和p值
if p is None:
return abs(vector).max(), p
elif p >= 1:
return np.power(np.sum(np.power(abs(vector), p)), 1 / p), p
raise Exception("error,p must be an integer , greater than or equal to 1")

def jacobi(coefficient_matrix: np.ndarray,
right_hand_side_vector: np.ndarray,
initial_vector: np.ndarray, epsilon=1e-4):
d = np.diag(np.diag(coefficient_matrix))
l = -np.tril(coefficient_matrix, k=-1)
u = -np.triu(coefficient_matrix, k=1)
jacobi_matrix = inv(d) @ (l + u)
if spectral_radius(jacobi_matrix) < 1:
f = inv(d) @ right_hand_side_vector
x_1 = initial_vector
x_2 = jacobi_matrix @ x_1 + f
iteration_count = 1
while 1:
norm, _ = vector_norm(x_2 - x_1)
if norm < epsilon:
return x_2, iteration_count
x_1 = x_2
x_2 = jacobi_matrix @ x_1 + f
iteration_count += 1
raise Exception("jacobi iteration is not convergent")

def gauss_seidel(coefficient_matrix: np.ndarray,
right_hand_side_vector: np.ndarray,
initial_vector: np.ndarray, epsilon=1e-4):
d = np.diag(np.diag(coefficient_matrix))
l = -np.tril(coefficient_matrix, k=-1)
u = -np.triu(coefficient_matrix, k=1)
gauss_seidel_matrix = inv(d - l) @ u
if spectral_radius(gauss_seidel_matrix) < 1:
f = inv(d - l) @ right_hand_side_vector
x_1 = initial_vector
x_2 = gauss_seidel_matrix @ x_1 + f
iteration_count = 1
while 1:
norm, _ = vector_norm(x_2 - x_1)
if norm < epsilon:
return x_2, iteration_count
x_1 = x_2
x_2 = gauss_seidel_matrix @ x_1 + f
iteration_count += 1
raise Exception("jacobi iteration is not convergent")

def successive_over_relaxation(coefficient_matrix: np.ndarray,
right_hand_side_vector: np.ndarray,
initial_vector: np.ndarray,
true_solution: np.ndarray, omega=1.0, epsilon=5e-6):
d = np.diag(np.diag(coefficient_matrix))
l = -np.tril(coefficient_matrix, k=-1)
u = -np.triu(coefficient_matrix, k=1)
l_omega = inv(d - omega * l) @ ((1 - omega) * d + omega * u)
if spectral_radius(l_omega) < 1:
f = omega * inv(d - omega * l) @ right_hand_side_vector
x = l_omega @ initial_vector + f
iteration_count = 1
while 1:
norm, _ = vector_norm(true_solution - x)
if norm < epsilon:
return x, iteration_count
x = l_omega @ x + f
iteration_count += 1
raise Exception("jacobi iteration is not convergent")

def hilbert_matrix(order: int):
hilbert = np.zeros((order, order))
for i in range(order):
for j in range(order):
hilbert[i, j] = 1 / (i + j + 1)
return hilbert

def spectral_radius(square_matrix: np.ndarray):
if square_matrix.shape[0] == square_matrix.shape[1]:
return abs(eigvals(square_matrix)).max()
raise Exception("\n{} is not a square matrix".format(square_matrix))

if __name__ == '__main__':
# 第一组测试方程组,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P180-181
# A = np.array([[8, -3, 2], [4, 11, -1], [6, 3, 12]], dtype=np.float64)
# b = np.array([20, 33, 36], dtype=np.float64).reshape((3, 1))
# true_solution_vector = dsl.gaussian_elimination(A, b)
# b0 = np.array([[0, 3 / 8, -2 / 8], [-4 / 11, 0, 1 / 11], [-6 / 12, -3 / 12, 0]])
# print(spectral_radius(b0))

# 第二组测试方程组,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P209 e.g.1
A = np.array([[5, 2, 1], [-1, 4, 2], [2, -3, 10]], dtype=np.float64)
b = np.array([-12, 20, 3], dtype=np.float64).reshape((3, 1))
x0 = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float64).reshape((3, 1))
root1, count1 = jacobi(A, b, x0)
print("jacobi公式迭代{}次达到精度要求,\n近似解x=\n{}".format(count1, root1))
root2, count2 = gauss_seidel(A, b, x0)
print("Gauss_seidel公式迭代{}次达到精度要求,\n近似解x=\n{}".format(count2, root2))
# 第三组测试方程组,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P210 e.g.7
A = np.array([[4, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 4]], dtype=np.float64)
b = np.array([1, 4, -3], dtype=np.float64).reshape((3, 1))
true_roots = np.array([1 / 2, 1, -1 / 2]).reshape((3, 1))
x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0]).reshape((3, 1))
# omega=1.03
root1, count1 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots, 1.03)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1.03,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count1, root1))
# omega=1
root2, count2 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count2, root2))
# omega=1.1
root3, count3 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots, 1.1)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1.1,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count3, root3))
# 第四组测试方程组,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P211 e.g.1
A = hilbert_matrix(10)
b = A @ np.ones((10, 1))
x0 = np.zeros((10, 1))
true_roots = dsl.gaussian_elimination(A, b)
# root1, count1 = jacobi(A, b, x0, 1e-6)
# print("jacobi公式迭代{}次达到精度要求,\n近似解x=\n{}".format(count1, root1))
# omega=1
root2, count2 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count2, root2))
# omega=1.25
root3, count3 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots, 1.25)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1.25,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count3, root3))
# omega=1.5
root4, count4 = successive_over_relaxation(A, b, x0, true_roots, 1.5)
print("SOR方法,当取Omega=1.5,初值x0=\n{}\n迭代{}次可达到精度要求,此时近似解x=\n{}".format(x0, count4, root4))

+ 143
- 0
chapter7_Numerical_methods_for_solving_nonlinear_equations_and_systems/single_variable_nonlinear_equation.py View File

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Time : 2020/12/15 15:58
@Author : Albert Darren
@Contact : 2563491540@qq.com
@File : single_variable_nonlinear_equation.py
@Version : Version 1.0.0
@Description : TODO 自己实现单变量非线性方程组f(x)=0常见数值解法
@Created By : PyCharm
from sympy.abc import x
from sympy import init_printing, evalf, exp, solve, Eq


def bisection(f_x, interval_start: (float, int), interval_end: (float, int), epsilon=5e-3):
:param f_x: 单变量非线性函数f(x)
:param interval_start: 求根区间始点
:param interval_end: 求根区间终点
:param epsilon: 小数点精度
:return: 近似解x,二分迭代次数k
if f_x.subs(x, interval_start) * f_x.subs(x, interval_end) < 0:
# 初始化二分次数,区间长度
bisection_count = 0
interval_length = abs(interval_start - interval_end)
while 1:
middle_point = (interval_start + interval_end) / 2
bisection_count += 1
value = f_x.subs(x, middle_point)
if interval_length <= epsilon or value == 0: # 达到预定精度epsilon或者等于精确解时结束循环
return middle_point, bisection_count
if value * f_x.subs(x, interval_start) < 0:
interval_end = middle_point
interval_start = middle_point
interval_length = abs(interval_start - interval_end)
raise Exception("function has no solution in the specified interval")

def newtown_tangent(f_x, x0, true_root, epsilon=5e-4):
:param f_x: 单变量非线性函数f(x)
:param x0: 迭代初始近似值
:param true_root: 精确解
:param epsilon: 小数点精度
:return: 近似解x,二分迭代次数k
f = f_x.subs(x, x0)
diff_f_x = f_x.diff()
diff_f = diff_f_x.subs(x, x0)
iteration_count = 0
while 1:
x_k = x0 - f / diff_f
iteration_count += 1
if abs(x_k - true_root) < epsilon:
return x_k, iteration_count
x0 = x_k
f = f_x.subs(x, x0)
diff_f = diff_f_x.subs(x, x0)

def reduce_newtown():

def newtown_downhill():

def secant(f_x, x0, x1, true_root, epsilon=5e-4):
:param f_x: 单变量非线性函数f(x)
:param x0: 第一个迭代初始近似值
:param x1: 第二个迭代初始近似值
:param true_root: 精确解
:param epsilon: 小数点精度
:return: 近似解x,二分迭代次数k
f_x0 = f_x.subs(x, x0)
f_x1 = f_x.subs(x, x1)
difference_quotient = (f_x1 - f_x0) / (x1 - x0)
iteration_count = 0
while 1:
x_k = x1 - f_x1 / difference_quotient
iteration_count += 1
if abs(x_k - true_root) < epsilon:
return x_k, iteration_count
x0 = x1
x1 = x_k
f_x0 = f_x.subs(x, x0)
f_x1 = f_x.subs(x, x1)
difference_quotient = (f_x1 - f_x0) / (x1 - x0)

def parabola():

if __name__ == '__main__':
# 第一组测试函数,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P214,e.g.2

# f = x ** 3 - x - 1
# appropriate_root1, iteration_count1 = bisection(f, 1.0, 1.5)
# print("二分法求方程近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(appropriate_root1,iteration_count1))

# 测试区间中点恰好是精确解时的情况
# f = x - 1
# appropriate_root2, iteration_count2 = bisection(f, 0.0, 2.0)
# print("测试区间中点恰好是精确解时,近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(appropriate_root2, iteration_count2))
# 第二组测试函数,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P238,e.g.7

# f = x ** 3 - 3 * x - 1
# initial_value = 2
# true_solution = 1.87938524
# root1, count1 = newtown_tangent(f, initial_value, true_solution)
# print("牛顿切线法近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(root1.evalf(), count1))
# initial_value0, initial_value1 = 2, 1.9
# root2, count2 = secant(f, initial_value0, initial_value1, true_solution)
# print("弦截法近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(root2.evalf(), count2))
# 第三组测试函数,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P224-225

# c = 115
# f = x ** 2 - c
# true_solution = pow(c, 0.5)
# initial_value = 11
# solution, count = newtown_tangent(f, initial_value, true_solution, epsilon=1e-6)
# print("牛顿切线法近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(solution.evalf(), count))
# 第四组测试函数,来源详见李庆扬数值分析第5版P229 e.g.10

f = x * exp(x) - 1
root = solve(Eq(f, 0), x)[0]
initial_value0, initial_value1 = 0.5, 0.6
root, count = secant(f, initial_value0, initial_value1, root)
print("牛顿切线法近似解x={},迭代次数={}".format(root.evalf(), count))
