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启智社区AI协同平台小白操作指南~~~~ 社区新童鞋们可以参考本项目下的小白训练课程,从单个功能讲解到项目实战,手把手带你了解和上手平台的代码、数据集、云脑、任务等各功能,好用到根本停不下来~!!更有免费的算力哦~!!
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Dear OpenI User
Thank you for your continuous support to the Openl Qizhi Community AI Collaboration Platform. In order to protect your usage rights and ensure network security, we updated the Openl Qizhi Community AI Collaboration Platform Usage Agreement in January 2024. The updated agreement specifies that users are prohibited from using intranet penetration tools. After you click "Agree and continue", you can continue to use our services. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
For more agreement content, please refer to the《Openl Qizhi Community AI Collaboration Platform Usage Agreement》