#234 调试镜像启动失败

created 1 year ago by qswdnsyxswd · 2 comments
<!-- 为了更有效地识别与解决您的问题,请尽可能的补充如下信息 --> ### 问题描述 以dockerhub中的docker为镜像地址,启动后立即faild且前端无报错信息 ### 相关环境(GPU/NPU) gpu ### 相关集群(启智/智算) 云脑1 ### 任务类型(调试/训练/推理) 调试 ### 任务名 qswdn202210161609820 ### 日志说明或问题截图(任务运行简况) ``` [Scheduled] Successfully assigned ed9ed5aa2938366557d3851691b38794/e43a04c004d34011ed0b17609bed2c1fe093-task1-0 to t4-23 [Pulled] Container image "nvidia/cuda:11.3.1-runtime-ubuntu20.04" already present on machine [Created] Created container task1-container [Started] Started container task1-container [FailedScheduling] 1/1 tasks in gang unschedulable: pod group is not ready, 1 Pending, 1 minAvailable. [Scheduled] Successfully assigned ed9ed5aa2938366557d3851691b38794/e43a04c004d34011ed0b17609bed2c1fe093-task1-0 to t4-23 [Pulled] Container image "nvidia/cuda:11.3.1-runtime-ubuntu20.04" already present on machine [Created] Created container task1-container [Started] Started container task1-container ``` ### 期望的解决方案或建议 希望能找到方法使得这个镜像可运行,谢谢!
avadesian was assigned by zeizei 1 year ago
avadesian commented 1 year ago
现在启动任务失败会有提示信息的。 可以再次尝试,如果还有问题,可以在此提供一下错误信息
avadesian commented 1 year ago
avadesian closed this issue 1 year ago
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