- import open3d as o3d
- import numpy as np
- import random
- import os, time
- from data_utils import write_ply_ascii_geo, write_h5_geo
- def sample_points(mesh_filedir, n_points=4e5, resolution=255):
- # sample points uniformly.
- mesh = o3d.io.read_triangle_mesh(mesh_filedir)
- try:
- pcd = mesh.sample_points_uniformly(number_of_points=int(n_points))
- except:
- print("ERROR sample_points", '!'*8)
- return
- points = np.asarray(pcd.points)
- return points
- def get_rotate_matrix():
- m = np.eye(3,dtype='float32')
- m[0,0] *= np.random.randint(0,2)*2-1
- m = np.dot(m,np.linalg.qr(np.random.randn(3,3))[0])
- return m
- def mesh2pc(mesh_filedir, n_points, resolution):
- points = sample_points(mesh_filedir, n_points=n_points, resolution=resolution)
- # random rotate.
- points = np.dot(points, get_rotate_matrix())
- # normalize to fixed resolution.
- points = points - np.min(points)
- points = points / np.max(points)
- points = points * (resolution)
- # quantizate to integers.
- points = np.round(points).astype('int')
- points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
- return points
- def generate_dataset(mesh_filedirs, pc_rootdir, out_filetype, n_points=4e5, resolution=255):
- start_time = time.time()
- for idx, mesh_filedir in enumerate(mesh_filedirs):
- try:
- points = mesh2pc(mesh_filedir, n_points, resolution)
- except:
- print("ERROR generate_dataset", idx, '!'*8)
- continue
- if out_filetype == 'ply':
- pc_filedir = os.path.join(pc_rootdir, str(idx) + '_' \
- + os.path.split(mesh_filedir)[-1].split('.')[0] + '.ply')
- write_ply_ascii_geo(pc_filedir, points)
- if out_filetype == 'h5':
- pc_filedir = os.path.join(pc_rootdir, str(idx) + '_' \
- + os.path.split(mesh_filedir)[-1].split('.')[0] + '.h5')
- write_h5_geo(pc_filedir, points)
- if idx % 100 == 0: print('='*20, idx, round((time.time() - start_time)/60.), 'mins', '='*20)
- return
- def traverse_path_recursively(rootdir):
- filedirs = []
- def gci(filepath):
- files = os.listdir(filepath)
- for fi in files:
- fi_d = os.path.join(filepath,fi)
- if os.path.isdir(fi_d):
- gci(fi_d)
- else:
- filedirs.append(os.path.join(filepath,fi_d))
- return
- gci(rootdir)
- return filedirs
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- mesh_rootdir = "/home/ubuntu/HardDisk1/ModelNet40/"
- pc_rootdir = './dataset/'
- out_filetype = 'ply'
- out_filetype = 'h5'
- num_mesh = 100
- n_points = int(4e5) # dense
- resolution = 127
- input_filedirs = traverse_path_recursively(rootdir=mesh_rootdir)
- mesh_filedirs = [f for f in input_filedirs if (os.path.splitext(f)[1]=='.off' or os.path.splitext(f)[1]=='.obj')]# .off or .obj
- mesh_filedirs = random.sample(mesh_filedirs, num_mesh)
- print("mesh_filedirs:\n", len(input_filedirs), len(mesh_filedirs))
- if not os.path.exists(pc_rootdir): os.makedirs(pc_rootdir)
- generate_dataset(mesh_filedirs, pc_rootdir, out_filetype, n_points, resolution)