- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Wed Feb 10 14:30:32 2021
- @author: root
- """
- from pcloud_functs import pcread,lowerResolution #无框架
- import numpy as np
- import os, sys
- import torch
- from models import tfModel10 as tfModel10_test
- from ac_functs import ac_model2 #无框架
- from usefuls import show_time_spent,compare_Locations,get_dir_size #无框架
- import globz #无框架
- globz.init()
- from datetime import datetime
- from config_utils import get_model_info #无框架
- import pandas as pd
- model_type='fNNOC'
- assert(model_type in ['NNOC','fNNOC','fNNOC1','fNNOC2','fNNOC3'])
- GPU = 1
- decode=1
- filepaths = [
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/added/sarah_vox10_0023.ply','/userhome/dataset/paper_test/added/sarah_vox9_0023.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/added/phil_vox10_0139.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/added/phil_vox9_0139.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_002719.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/redandblack_vox10_1550.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/queen_vox10_0200.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/soldier_vox10_0690.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/longdress_vox10_1300.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/basketball_player_vox11_00000200.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/loot_vox10_1200.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/dancer_vox11_00000001.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_000001.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_002215.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_001406.ply', '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_000832.ply',
- '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/kitti_vox10/vox10_000355.ply',]
- # filepath = '/userhome/dataset/paper_test/redandblack_vox10_1550_n.ply' #28_airplane_0270.ply
- nlevel_down = 0 #set number of times to downsample the input to compress a lower resolution
- device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
- # device = torch.device('cpu')
- csv_file = 'result.csv'
- output_root = 'output_root/'
- if not GPU:
- os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
- enc_functs_file,log_id,ctx_type = get_model_info(model_type) #'enc_functs_fast45d' ctx_type=100
- exec('from '+enc_functs_file+ ' import ENCODE_DECODE')
- ckpt_path = '/userhome/NNCTX-main/pytorch/train_logs/20220401-155532/epoch_72.pth'
- # if model_type=='NNOC':
- # nn_model = tfint10_3(ckpt_path)
- # else:
- ctx_type=100
- nn_model = tfModel10_test(ctx_type).to(device)
- ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path)
- nn_model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model'])
- #################################################################
- if not os.path.exists(output_root):
- os.mkdir(output_root)
- bs_dir = output_root + 'bss/'
- if not os.path.exists(bs_dir):
- os.mkdir(bs_dir)
- ##################################################################
- csv_result = []
- for i,filepath in enumerate(filepaths):
- GT = pcread(filepath).astype('int')
- ori_level = np.ceil(np.log2(np.max(GT))).astype(int)
- #assert(str(ori_level) in filepath)
- ori_level = ori_level-nlevel_down
- for il in range(nlevel_down):
- GT = lowerResolution(GT)
- print('input level:'+str(ori_level))
- acbspath = bs_dir+'AC.dat'
- ac_model = ac_model2(2,acbspath,1)
- _,time_spente = ENCODE_DECODE(1,bs_dir,nn_model,ac_model,None,ori_level,GT) #nn_model,sess与框架有关
- npts = GT.shape[0]
- CL = get_dir_size(bs_dir)
- bpv = CL/npts
- # bpvs[ifile]=bpv
- print('bpv: '+str(bpv))
- print('filepath:'+filepath)
- print('input level:'+str(ori_level))
- if decode:
- ac_model = ac_model2(2,acbspath,0)
- dec_GT,time_spentd = ENCODE_DECODE(0,bs_dir,nn_model,ac_model,None,ori_level)
- TP,FP,FN=compare_Locations(dec_GT,GT)
- print('bpv: '+str(bpv))
- print('filepath:'+filepath)
- print('input level:'+str(ori_level))
- print('enc:')
- show_time_spent(time_spente)
- if decode:
- print('dec:')
- show_time_spent(time_spentd)
- result = {}
- result['file'] = filepath
- result['ori_level'] = ori_level
- result['enc_time'] = time_spente
- result['dec_time'] = time_spentd
- result['bpv'] = bpv
- results = pd.DataFrame([result])
- if i == 0:
- csv_result = results.copy(deep=True)
- else:
- csv_result = csv_result.append(results, ignore_index=True)
- csv_result.to_csv(csv_file, index=True)