- import copy
- class Color():
- """
- This class defines the colors that we will use during visualize the results.
- The color defined in RGB
- Based on the color in: http://tool.oschina.net/commons?type=3
- parameters:
- flag: indicate the mode used in color. rgb or bgr
- """
- def __init__(self, flag='rgb'):
- self.Green = [0, 255, 0]
- self.Blue = [0,0,255]
- self.Cyan = [0,255,255]
- self.MediumSlateBlue = [123,104,238]
- self.Aquamarine = [127,255,212]
- self.PaleGreen = [152,251,152]
- self.ForestGreen = [34,139,34]
- self.Yellow = [255,255,0]
- self.Gold = [255,215,0]
- self.IndianRed = [255,106,106]
- self.Sienna = [255,130,71]
- self.Firebrick = [178,34,34]
- self.Orange = [255,165,0]
- self.OrangeRed = [255,69,0]
- self.Magenta = [255,0,255]
- self.Purple = [160,32,240]
- self.attributes = self.__dict__
- if flag == 'bgr':
- self.color_names, self.color_list = self._get_all_color('bgr')
- else:
- self.color_names, self.color_list = self._get_all_color('rgb')
- def _get_all_color(self, flag='rgb'):
- keys = iter(copy.copy(self.attributes))
- color_list = []
- for key in keys:
- if key == 'attributes': # same as the name which is given to the self.__dict__
- continue
- if flag == 'bgr':
- color_list.append(self.attributes[key][::-1])
- else:
- color_list.append(self.attributes[key])
- return keys, color_list
- def get_random_color_list(self, number=0):
- """
- number: how many colors will be used in the color
- """
- return self.color_list
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- color = Color(flag='bgr')