- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Thu Feb 4 16:41:19 2021
- @author: root
- """
- import numpy as np
- import open3d
- def vol2inds(vol):
- return np.stack(np.where(vol==1),1)
- def inds2vol(Loc,volshape):
- vol = np.zeros(volshape,'bool')
- for ipt in range(Loc.shape[0]):
- vol[Loc[ipt,0],Loc[ipt,1],Loc[ipt,2]] = 1
- return vol
- def lowerResolution(Loc):
- return np.unique(np.floor(Loc/2).astype('int'),axis=0)
- def dilate_Loc(lrGT):
- PatEl = np.array( [[0, 0, 0],
- [1, 0, 0],
- [0, 1, 0],
- [1, 1, 0],
- [0, 0, 1],
- [1, 0, 1],
- [0, 1, 1],
- [1, 1, 1]])
- BlockiM = np.zeros([0,3],'int')
- for iloc in range(8): # % size(PatEl,1) = 8
- iv3 = PatEl[iloc,:]
- Blocki = lrGT*2+iv3
- BlockiM = np.concatenate((BlockiM,Blocki),0)
- LocM = np.unique(BlockiM,axis=0)
- return LocM
- def pcread(ply_path):
- pcd = open3d.io.read_point_cloud(ply_path )
- GT = np.asarray(pcd.points,'int16')
- return GT
- def pcwrite(Loc,ply_path):
- pcd = open3d.geometry.PointCloud()
- pcd.points = open3d.cpu.pybind.utility.Vector3dVector(Loc)
- open3d.io.write_point_cloud(ply_path, pcd)
- def pcfshow(ply_path):
- pcd = open3d.io.read_point_cloud(ply_path )
- open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd]) #, zoom=0.3412,
- def pcshow(Location):
- pcd = open3d.geometry.PointCloud()
- pcd.points = open3d.cpu.pybind.utility.Vector3dVector(Location)
- open3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])
- def collect_blocks(inLoc,block_shape,max_num_blocks):
- maxes = np.max(inLoc,0)
- mins = np.min(inLoc,0)
- ws = np.array(block_shape,'int8')
- ns = np.ceil(maxes/ws).astype('int16')
- minis = np.ceil(mins/ws-1).astype('int8')
- blocks = []
- done=0
- for ix in range(minis[0],ns[0]):
- for iy in range(minis[1],ns[1]):
- for iz in range(minis[2],ns[2]):
- #print([ix,iy,iz])
- xlow = ix*ws[0]
- ylow = iy*ws[1]
- zlow = iz*ws[2]
- xhigh = xlow+ws[0]
- yhigh = ylow+ws[1]
- zhigh = zlow+ws[2]
- cubinds = (inLoc[:,0]<xhigh) * (inLoc[:,0]>=xlow) * (inLoc[:,1]<yhigh) * (inLoc[:,1]>=ylow) *(inLoc[:,2]<zhigh) * (inLoc[:,2]>=zlow)
- if np.any(cubinds):
- cLocs = inLoc[cubinds,:]-np.array([xlow,ylow,zlow])
- blocks.append(cLocs)
- print('num cubes:'+str(len(blocks)) + 'cLocs.shape[0]:'+str(cLocs.shape[0]))
- print(str([ix,iy,iz]) +'/'+str(ns) )
- if(len(blocks)==max_num_blocks):
- done=1
- break
- if(done):
- break
- if(done):
- break
- return blocks
- def collect_counts(inLoc,block_shape,max_num_ctxs,curr_loc_inds):
- maxes = np.max(inLoc,0)
- mins = np.min(inLoc,0)
- ws = np.array(block_shape,'int8')
- ns = np.ceil(maxes/ws).astype('int16')
- minis = np.ceil(mins/ws-1).astype('int8')
- n_pixels = np.prod(block_shape)-1
- ctxs = -1*np.ones((max_num_ctxs,n_pixels))
- n_ctxs = 0
- counts = np.zeros((max_num_ctxs,2),'int32')
- done=0
- ctx = np.zeros(n_pixels,'bool')
- for ix in range(minis[0],ns[0]):
- for iy in range(minis[1],ns[1]):
- for iz in range(minis[2],ns[2]):
- #print([ix,iy,iz])
- xlow = ix*ws[0]
- ylow = iy*ws[1]
- zlow = iz*ws[2]
- xhigh = xlow+ws[0]
- yhigh = ylow+ws[1]
- zhigh = zlow+ws[2]
- cubinds = (inLoc[:,0]<xhigh) * (inLoc[:,0]>=xlow) * (inLoc[:,1]<yhigh) * (inLoc[:,1]>=ylow) *(inLoc[:,2]<zhigh) * (inLoc[:,2]>=zlow)
- if np.any(cubinds):
- cLocs = inLoc[cubinds,:]-np.array([xlow,ylow,zlow])
- block = np.zeros(block_shape,'bool')
- for ip in range(cLocs.shape[0]):
- block[ cLocs[ip,0], cLocs[ip,1], cLocs[ip,2]] = 1
- # print('num cubes:'+str(len(blocks)) + 'cLocs.shape[0]:'+str(cLocs.shape[0]))
- symb = block[curr_loc_inds[0],curr_loc_inds[1],curr_loc_inds[2]]
- ibit = 0
- for ibx in range(block_shape[0]):
- for iby in range(block_shape[1]):
- for ibz in range(block_shape[2]):
- if not([ibx,iby,ibz] == curr_loc_inds):
- ctx[ibit] = bool(block[ibx,iby,ibz])
- ibit+=1
- ctx_where = np.where((ctxs[0:n_ctxs,:] == ctx).all(axis=1))
- if len(ctx_where[0])>0: ## ctx is one of the previously encountered ctxs
- ctx_ind = ctx_where[0][0]
- else: # a new ctx is encountered
- ctx_ind = n_ctxs
- ctxs[ctx_ind,:] = ctx
- n_ctxs+=1
- counts[ctx_ind,int(symb)]+=1
- print(str([ix,iy,iz]) +'/'+str(ns) )
- print('n_ctxs'+str(n_ctxs) )
- if(n_ctxs==max_num_ctxs):
- done=1
- break
- if(done):
- break
- if(done):
- break
- return counts,ctxs
- def collect_counts2(inLoc,block_shape,max_num_ctxs,curr_loc_inds):
- maxes = np.max(inLoc,0)
- mins = np.min(inLoc,0)
- ws = np.array(block_shape,'int8')
- # ns = np.ceil(maxes/ws).astype('int16')
- #minis = np.ceil(mins/ws-1).astype('int8')
- n_pixels = np.prod(block_shape)-1
- ctx = np.zeros(int(n_pixels),'bool')
- n_pixels = np.prod(block_shape)-1
- ctxs = -1*np.ones((int(max_num_ctxs),int(n_pixels)))
- n_ctxs = 0
- counts = np.zeros((int(max_num_ctxs),2),'int32')
- done=0
- max_lows = maxes-ws
- min_lows = mins-ws
- for xlow in range(int(min_lows[0]),int(max_lows[0])):
- for ylow in range(int(min_lows[1]),int(max_lows[1])):
- for zlow in range(int(min_lows[2]),int(max_lows[2])):
- xhigh = xlow+ws[0]
- yhigh = ylow+ws[1]
- zhigh = zlow+ws[2]
- cubinds = (inLoc[:,0]<xhigh) * (inLoc[:,0]>=xlow) * (inLoc[:,1]<yhigh) * (inLoc[:,1]>=ylow) *(inLoc[:,2]<zhigh) * (inLoc[:,2]>=zlow)
- if True:#np.any(cubinds):
- cLocs = inLoc[cubinds,:]-np.array([xlow,ylow,zlow])
- block = np.zeros(block_shape,'bool')
- for ip in range(cLocs.shape[0]):
- block[ cLocs[ip,0], cLocs[ip,1], cLocs[ip,2]] = 144
- # print('num cubes:'+str(len(blocks)) + 'cLocs.shape[0]:'+str(cLocs.shape[0]))
- symb = block[curr_loc_inds[0],curr_loc_inds[1],curr_loc_inds[2]]
- ibit = 0
- for ibx in range(block_shape[0]):
- for iby in range(block_shape[1]):
- for ibz in range(block_shape[2]):
- if not([ibx,iby,ibz] == curr_loc_inds):
- ctx[ibit] = bool(block[ibx,iby,ibz])
- ibit+=1
- ctx_where = np.where((ctxs[0:n_ctxs,:] == ctx).all(axis=1))
- if len(ctx_where[0])>0: ## ctx is one of the previously encountered ctxs
- ctx_ind = ctx_where[0][0]
- counts[ctx_ind,int(symb)]+=1
- else: # a new ctx is encountered
- ctx_ind = n_ctxs
- ctxs[ctx_ind,:] = ctx
- n_ctxs+=1
- counts[ctx_ind,int(symb)]+=1
- if(n_ctxs==max_num_ctxs):
- done=1
- break
- print(str([xlow,ylow,zlow]) +'/'+str(max_lows) )
- print('n_ctxs'+str(n_ctxs) )
- if(done):
- break
- if(done):
- break
- return counts,ctxs
- def ctxbits2block(ctx,block_shape,symb_inds,symb):
- block = np.zeros(block_shape,'bool')
- ibit = 0
- for ibx in range(block_shape[0]):
- for iby in range(block_shape[1]):
- for ibz in range(block_shape[2]):
- if not([ibx,iby,ibz] == symb_inds):
- block[ibx,iby,ibz] = ctx[ibit]
- ibit+=1
- else:
- block[ibx,iby,ibz] = symb
- return block
- # def deneme(inLoc,block_shape,max_num_ctxs,curr_loc_inds):
- # maxes = np.max(inLoc,0)
- # mins = np.min(inLoc,0)
- # ws = np.array(block_shape,'int8')
- # return maxes,mins,ws